08 October 2011

1 month anniversary!

Yesterday (the 7th) marked 1 month in braces! Yay :)
I can't believe it's been a month already, the time has flown over!
I'm feeling so much more comfortable in my braces, I'm not really that self-conscious about them anymore. They feel like a part of me now :)
I'm seeing my orthodontist in two weeks. I can't wait, the wire on the top right side is sticking out and tearing up my mouth whenever I laugh which isn't so fun.
I'll probably post pictures once I see my OD, I haven't noticed any progress myself but she might have, she's the expert after all.

P.S. Kissing in braces = not a problem! He said he didn't notice them AT ALL so that's another myth busted :)


  1. Congrats on 1 month! Ha, thanks for the kissing update!!!

  2. haha I was sooo afraid the first time I kissed with my braces on.. every horror story I'd ever heard about it flashed thru my mind..but it indeed is not a problem! :)
